President’s Message: It’s a New Day in New Orleans!

Last week, we celebrated the Grand Opening of Mid-City Market in New Orleans.  This Winn-Dixie anchored, urban shopping center is a milestone for Stirling Properties, as it’s our largest ground-up shopping center development in the City of New Orleans in our company’s 37 year history!  It also represents one of the most significant retail developments in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina, taking once blighted and vacant properties and returning them to commerce.  This project creates over 500 new jobs and generates projected annual retail sales of over $61 Million.

Mid-City Market is the culmination of over 4 years of work and it was a challenge to put (and keep) all the pieces together.  Few companies could take on a project of this complexity and succeed, but Stirling Properties was up for this challenge.

I want to commend our incredible team who worked on this project for a job well done!  There were many points in time where it looked like the deal was dead, but our Stirling team worked diligently to complete it.  It was through their hard work and perseverance that this inner-city project materialized.

I also want to commend Mayor Mitch Landrieu for his vision and leadership and Councilwoman Susan Guidry for her incredible support and drive to help make this a reality for Mid-City.

The Mid-City Market project is a result of over $40 Million in private investment and demonstrates our strong belief in the City of New Orleans and the civic and business leadership which has created an environment where businesses are confident to invest.  A plethora of national and regional rankings paint a truly remarkable picture of New Orleans as THE city on the move, which is in stark contrast to previous decades.

This project, combined with our other projects completed to date, brings Stirling’s investments to over $120 Million in the City of New Orleans in just the last 3 years.  All of us at Stirling Properties are confident in the direction of New Orleans, and Mid-City Market shows our continued commitment to the market.  This project was the first for us in many ways and certainly will not be the last.