Louisiana State University Takes 3rd Place In Global ARGUS Software University Challenge

Propels national spotlight on growing educational real estate programs

LSU Team - 2016 Argus University Challenge

Stirling Properties commercial real estate company is pleased to announce students from Louisiana State University (LSU) E.J. Ourso Business School have placed 3rd in the global 2016 ARGUS Software University Challenge.

For the past several years, ARGUS Software has hosted the competitive challenge for university students from around the world aspiring to be real estate professionals. Through this challenge, students create real-world investment strategies through informed decisions using ARGUS solutions. A panel of judges from the academic community and industry participated in reviewing the case studies and nominating the winners.

More than 40 top real estate programs from national universities participated in the competition. The team from LSU—Jason Wyman, Eddie Saa, Jacob Kerr, Alysha Meadors and Robin Day—was coached by Stirling Properties Asset/Finance Manager, Justin Landry. Landry serves as an adjunct professor teaching Finance 7720 (Commercial Real Estate Investing). This is the 5th year an LSU team has competed in the ARGUS Software Challenge, and marks the 1st time placing under Landry’s leadership.

“Our team is thrilled to have placed among the top three teams in the country, especially among such prestigious schools and highly respected real estate programs,” said Robin Day, 2016 ARGUS Software University participant from LSU. “We were given the invaluable opportunity to learn from real-world scenarios. The challenge was a direct correlation to the types of trials real estate industry professionals encounter on a daily basis. Working as a team from various backgrounds allowed us the chance to share ideas and learn from one another. We created a more robust solution by combining our diverse knowledge bases than any of us could have accomplished individually.”

LSU’s team secured $2,000 for their university through ARGUS Software. In addition, the students were bestowed the 2016 ICSC Maurin Ogden Foundation LSU Scholarship Award, funded by Jimmy Maurin and Roger Ogden, founders of Stirling Properties. Through the scholarship, students will receive all-expense-paid attendance to the ICSC RECon Convention in Las Vegas. Each year Stirling Properties chaperones five LSU Award Recipients to the convention, offering the students valuable exposure to industry leaders and potential employers.

“This scholarship has been tremendously successful, and we’ve had a handful of students who received jobs as a result of attending the conference. But none of this would be possible without the generosity of Stirling’s founders, Jimmy Maurin and Roger Ogden. There are no two people more committed to LSU, real estate and education,” said Landry. “We couldn’t be more proud of this team of students. They have worked so hard for all that they have accomplished this semester.”

Coming on the heels of other recent LSU E.J. Ourso Business School advancements, this is another significant win that students and supporters hope will propel a national spotlight on the growing finance and real estate programs at the university.

For more information about Finance 7720 (Commercial Real Estate Investing) and its objectives contact Justin Landry at jclandry@stirlingprop.com.

Stirling Properties is located at United Plaza, 8550 United Plaza Boulevard, Suite 303 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  For more information regarding our services, please visit us at www.stirlingproperties.com.