Louisiana Continues to Leap Forward in All Areas

Top States For Doing Business
Leading economic development magazine Area Development has just released its 2012 “Top States for Doing Business” survey of national site selectors, and Louisiana has posted its best showing ever:

  • #1 in Cooperative State Government
  • #2 in Incentives Programs
  • #2 in Economic Recovery
  • #3 in Leading Workforce Development Programs
  • #3 in Speed of Permitting
  • #4 in Overall Business Environment
  • #4 in Cost of Doing Business
  • #5 in Labor Climate
  • #6 Top State for Doing Business

This is a remarkable set of top-10 votes for Louisiana from national economic development consultants; you can see the full report here.

These latest rankings are just another example of what we see happening all around us.  Louisiana continues to leap forward in all areas – jobs, economic development, business climate, entrepreneurship, etc.  As I tell people around the country the “Louisiana Story”, their reactions are somewhere between amazement and skepticism.  I can tell some of them flatly don’t believe a word I am saying.

That is what makes telling the story even more remarkable.