Louisiana Earns Several Top Rankings in Recent Months

Louisiana has continued its reign at the top in several national rankings over recent years.    Many of these top rankings are not just one-time accolades…Louisiana has staying power at the top.  In rankings where Louisiana has room to improve, the state has been gaining traction in its move to the top.  With Louisiana achieving so much recognition, it’s sometimes hard to keep track, so here is a quick snapshot of some state & regional rankings achieved over the last few months.

  • #18 in Business Climate Rankings, up 22 spots since 2008
    #2 in U.S. for incentives & economic development agency performance
    –   Pollina Corporate Real Estate, August 2011
  • #2 in U.S. for Economic Growth Potential
    #7 for Best Business Climate
    #1 State Workforce Training Program (Louisiana FastStart), 2 years in a row
    –   Business Facilities, August 2011
  • #2 in U.S. in Absolute Job Growth over the last 5 Years
    –   The Business Journals, July 2011
  • “State of the Year” for 3 years in a row (4th time and an honorable mention in 5 years)
    –   Southern Business & Development, July 2011
  • #27 on the 2011 Best & Worst States for Business (up 21 spots since 2008), based on a survey of the nation’s top business leaders; most improved state over last four years
    –   Chief Executives, May 2011
  • LED named Best-Performing State Economic Development Agency in the Nation
    –   Site Selection’s Competitiveness Awards, May 2011
  • 2011 Silver Shovel Award (Job Creation Award)
    –   Area Development, May 2011
Published On: August 25, 2011Categories: Blog, Market Research, Rankings